
Nominating Committee


See Bylaws 

“The nominating committee shall:”

  1. Request nominations for all PTG offices, together with consent to serve and candidates’ statements of experience and qualifications through an announcement in the December issue of the Piano Technicians Journal, and subsequently through appropriate PTG electronic communication media. Any chapter may submit a nomination. Any member in good standing may offer his or her name for consideration. All nominations must be submitted no later than February 1 to be included in the Nominating Committee report.
  2. Select one or more candidates for the offices of President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer. Qualifications and experience as stated in candidates’ submissions shall be considered in making selections. The committee may seek nominees in addition to those presented to it in making its decisions.
  3. Prepare a list of nominees showing the committee selections for President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer, and all of the nominations received for the three (3) offices and for the offices of the seven (7) Regional Vice Presidents. No member’s name shall be added to the list unless consent to serve has been obtained.

•  Carry out duties as indicated in Bylaws and Organizational Policies. 

•  Report on progress to the PTG Board of Directors and Council upon request.


Paul Adams, RPT, Chair
Wim Blees, RPT
Fred Sturm, RPT
Bruce Dornfeld, RPT
Morgan Cowell, RPT
Carl Lieberman, RPT
Micah Sundholm, RPT

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